Learn About Our Essentials for the Less Fortunate Project

We hope to be able to feed those who are hungry and provide warmth to those who don’t have the same living conditions as us.

Living By “Faith”

F- Friendliness

A- Abundance Mindset

I- Integrity

T- Truthfulness

H- Harmony

“You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.”

– John 14:14

Culture & Lifestyle

Culture Of Honor

We honor one another for the good works we do and talents God has given us rather than condemning other and looking at their wrong-doings.

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Five-Fold Ministry

We follow the order of the church written by Paul in Ephesians 4:11. We believe that by following the natural order of the church that our messages will be spiritually aligned with God’s message.

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We follow the lifestyle of a spiritual Christian. One who understands their imperfections and looks for ways to improve by developing the fruits of the spirit.

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