Patience in Affliction

Key Verse

Rejoice in hope; be patient in affliction; be persistent in prayer. Share with the saints in their needs; pursue hospitality.

— Romans 12:12-13 (CSB)

Diving Deeper into the Text

Verse for Study: — Mark 5:32-34 (CSB)

” But he was looking around to see who had done this. The woman, with fear and trembling, knowing what had happened to her, came and fell down before him, and told him the whole truth. “Daughter,” he said to her,“your faith has saved you. Go in peace and be healed from your affliction.” 

— Mark 5:32-34 (CSB)


Oftentimes it is hard for us to be patient when we feel the world is coming at us full force. Some of us struggle to maintain our faith and our prosperity. It’s important to remember that even when we feel that a storm of hail is heading our way, we need to take a step back to assess.

What I mean by taking a step back, is take time for yourself every day. This will help because you grow spiritually the more you grow self-aware. What is called meditation consists of many things. You can be praying, doing yoga, using chakras, or just sitting in nature- and be meditating. 

Bringing yourself to the fullness of yourself and your heart, is how you center yourself. How you center yourself will directly affect how you treat others, and if you aren’t centered, ultimately you will let negative thoughts or actions take on your mind. Mindsets of anger, fear, resentment, or just sadness- will become more present in your spirit. This is because you’re letting other people’s spirits lead you, because yours aren’t centered. Ultimately you stop trusting your self-awareness, your values, and you let mindsets that do not belong in your spirit start to take hold.

We can beat this with several different methods. Our general method written in scripture as christians, is to pray. I am not saying you shouldn’t pray, I pray every day. I’m saying that for some, just prayer isn’t enough to get you to your full mindset of self-awareness. I want to let you know, that if you pray and pray and don’t feel it’s enough, don’t give up. Find a way to meditate that fits you, that brings you the most peace inside. Then when someone hits you with a rock for the tenth time, you are clear-minded and able to receive God’s will on the matter. Clear heads receive messages effortlessly from God. Anxious heads look aimlessly into what-if’s, overhearing someone talking about someone who angers you and chiming in to put your word in, feeding into those Facebook posts, and ultimately gets us nowhere. You will be to worried about the earths thought of the matter, rather than the heavenly approach, and wont be open to God’s recommendation.

Patience is a virtue for a reason, it calms situations and keeps them from steering in a distasteful direction that can cause more harmful issues- like losing a friend over something petty, or becoming the center of a gossip trail.

Be patient with others in hopes that they receive your grace in their heart, even if it’s years from the moment you gave it. Be patient with the knowledge that even if they don’t praise or recognize your efforts, God does, and ultimately the favor will be returned in a way you may not perceive now. He works in mysterious ways, we can’t change other people, and we can’t guess God’s timing or plan of action. We can, however, change the way we personally react in hopes that they may receive the same blessing of grace and patience we have one day.

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