Peace, Faithful to forgive, Called to Freedom Ministries

Peace-Job 20:1-5


This is a message of peace, mainly about developing a mindset of peace.

Job 20:1-5

” Then Zophar the Na’amathite answered,

2 Therefore my thoughts answer me, because of my haste within me.

3 I hear censure which insults me, and out of my understanding a spirit answers me.

4 Do you not know this from of old, since man was placed upon earth,

5 that the exulting of the wicked is short, and the joy of the godless but for a moment? “

This passage has a great lesson to it, but first I’d like to point something out.

In 20:3 he states “out of my understanding”, meaning a bit beyond his comprehension, “a spirit answers me.” The reason I am pointing this out is because many people argue about how people hear God’s voice. Many people that aren’t Christian may have the disbelief that one can hear God speaking to them for the fact that they don’t think it’s plausible that one may have God talking to them. Even some Christians, such as myself at one point, don’t fully understand how people hear from God. Hearing from God isn’t about a clear concise verbal sentence from him. God speaks to us in various ways, and for me it’s not usually a direct verbal instruction (I don’t know that I’ve ever had such instruction.)

So when he says that verse above he is specifically stating that he doesn’t understand how exactly he is getting this answer. Obviously he knows there is a message and he’s conveying it, but he can’t exactly point out where it originated from.

The message from this passage goes along with discerning a mindset of anger. The reason I say this is because Zophar is in a period of time where he has come across other people who are displaying disapproval towards him or other people. (Perception of the word censure in Job 20:3) Zophar is insulted by this and in return, is angry at the fact that they are still holding joy and happiness. (Job 20:5)

Thus, he is being reminded by the spirit that the exulting of them will be short, and not to worry about what others do. See, Zophar does have good intentions, but he’s setting to much of a value on how others perceive him. It’s not only anger that he’s experiencing in this. From my point of view, Zophar values justice and being known as a good person. So he is offended and upset that his beliefs and his works are being seen as less than they are.

What Zophar is not realizing is that he doesn’t need anyone else’s approval but God’s. God sees the good things you do, even when you don’t feel like he does. It is painful at times when you see someone else doing so well who isn’t working in God’s path, or with the spiritual guidance they are receiving, when you feel they don’t deserve it. The important thing to understand is that only God can judge us, he forgives people and gives them more chances. At some point they will reach the time where their wealth, luck, or joy ends, but it is not your burden to carry.

Pray for your enemies, don’t let their spirits disrupt yours.

The reason this is about having a peaceful mindset is because Zophar is learning to let go of how others think of him. Oftentimes when you hold on to anger or how people think of you, you will do everything with the thought of “How will others feel about my actions?”. While it is important in some cases to be considerate of how others may feel, this is simply a case of disapproval towards his good intentions. I imagine that he would not be so upset if he had done something offensive towards them.

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