Preserving Your Self-Esteem From Toxicity

First off I want to set something straight. It’s a common misconception that we must stay in a work environment or relationship that is toxic to our personal, mental, or compromises our health’s wellbeing. Usually because we have to get the bills paid, or it’s a good job, or whatever the reason. I want to shed some light on how wrong that perception is.

You are a human being, with different skillsets and talents than the person right next to you. You have emotions, you have health needs, and you have an ego, like everyone else. Now your emotions, health needs, or ego may not be equivalent to everyone else around you, but nonetheless you are an important piece to the puzzle that we call the world.

If your health takes declines, it can limit your ability to work or the value of the work you produce. Similarly, your mental health will do this as well, and can even effect you on a physical level. Your ego is usually dependent on the way you grew up, but is always changing its filtered description of the world each day that you live. This being said, the more you stay in a toxic environment, no matter if its work, home, or relationships- the more your ego will be taking hits.

What is an ego?

Google defines an ego as: a person’s sense of self-esteem or self-importance.

How can someone else affect my ego?

Easy, the things they say to you, how they treat you, and how they treat others in comparison to you are all things that will deplete your ego. When this happens our filter of the world we live in and how we should act in it, shifts. We start subconsciously changing our actions or words in attempts to keep our ego intact, but what this is primarily doing is leading us to believe that who we are is not okay, and we need to meet another persons perception of who we should be to feel accepted and complete.

Once you start feeding into how others treat you and believing its how you are supposed to be treated, and you just need to do this that or the other to change their perception of you, is when your ego is being affected by how this person is reacting to you. Your perception of yourself is declining, you start feeling unhappy with yourself, and overtime your life is filled with less enjoyment and more depressive states. This is a natural occurence for many people in the workfield.

The reason why is because we are creatures that seek financial stability, a positive image of ourselves from others, and achievements. When others around us are feeding us with negative annotations of who we are, we naturally try to remove ourselves from that box in their head. Whether they actually have us in that box, or if we are just overthinking it- is something we will never know. Our perception of the world is different than all of those around us. AND that is okay! That’s how it’s supposed to be.

The gist of it is: don’t sacrifice your positive mindset, and physical or emotional health, for people and workplaces that don’t care for your wellbeing. That job, that boyfriend, that distant relative, or whatever is tearing you down- does not have that right. Your health directly affects your productivity AND mental positivity, and you can not share positivity when your body or mind is in the gutter. You can not live up to your full potential either. You matter, and you come first before the paycheck, or a paycheck won’t be achievable.

I will for sure have more to say on this topic, tips, and tricks to help ease and preserve our egos in a healthy mindset that is ideal to each individual-but if i went through it today it would be a very long post. So, I’m always here for questions or comments, and feel free to subscribe for updates!

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