Donation to Called to Freedom Ministries

Many churches focus on the teachings of the bible, which is important as well. We focus on the spiritual relationship we build with God and Jesus by prayer, scripture, and building each others faith.

What we mean when we say a spiritual relationship is connecting to God and Jesus on a deeper level and unlocking our full potential with our spiritual gifts.

Our Mission

To build other peoples faith by helping them build a grounded relationship with God through Christ.

Our Vision

To build a body of people who love, respect, and honor each-other and God.


Learn more about Called to Freedom Ministries here.

SKU: donation-C2F Category:

Donations made to Called to Freedom Ministries are used to fund the ministry. For example, necessary supplies for upkeep or for charity events we hold.

All donations are non-refundable.



If you are making a donation that you intend to use as a tax write-off, please retain a copy of your order summary with your order number, payment details, address, and full name. Contact us at so that we can ensure that we have it properly documented as well as send you any forms you may need. If you ever need more support on this matter contact our donations department at