By God’s Will

Today, Aug 14, 2022, I decided to find something to post about on my blog. It’s been longer than I’d like, but I feel as if I needed more time to heal through art. In search of this subject, I remembered my grandmothers prayer journal my mom had given me a couple months back and decided to open it.

I do this thing when I go into studying gods word, whether it’s a bible or devotional- I open to a random page. I figure God is always under control, and whatever I find on that page is what I’m meant to read. Every time I do that I get a valuable message pertaining to recent events and such, always resonating with me deeply.

Today I flipped to a random page in my grandma’s prayer journal, I read a passage without looking at the date and thought this would work great as a devotional, thus I am creating this post. One funny thing about it though, I looked at the date and it was written on August 16th, 2013… The page right before that was written on the 14th, but it’s a prayer, and I believe that personal prayers are to stay personal. My eyes led me to this page for a reason, and I strongly believe that the dates are my confirmation of that.


She Wrote:


Look around you and behold the beauty of the world that I have created. Look deeper and behold in yourself the beauty that is there. You are created in my image. Negative thoughts, complaints, and anxiety have no place in my kingdom. My creation is good, beautiful and I sent my son to restore what I have created. When negative thoughts, complaints, and anxiety seek to attack you, conquer them with thanksgiving and praise, my word and seeking my presence.


She then also quoted Philippians 4:6-8 as follows:

 To not be anxious, but in everything make your request known to God in prayer and protection with thanksgiving. Then the peace of God, which is beyond all understanding, will guard your hearts an thoughts in Jesus Christ. And now my friend, all that is just and pure, all that is lovable and attractive, whatever is excellent and admirable- fill your thoughts with these things. 


I can not even begin to explain how close to home this hit for me, as my family and I have been experiencing a range of emotions after my grandpa passed away in November of last year. Here lately, I have been finding myself filled with anxiety, negative thoughts, and complaints quite often.

This being said, the next thing that truly touches my heart is the fact that, even in death my grandma’s words are reaching me to build my faith. Something she had written 9 years ago, a message in which God gave her, has circled into my hands on this very day. This shows me that even when we don’t feel he’s working, he is working. Whether the results of your hard work are revealed or not, it is still bearing fruit.

I hope this passaged has reached whoever needs this message, and I pray that my readers may feel the sense of clarity and reassurance that this gave me.


Have any stories about the perfect timing? Please let me know in the comments! I’d love to hear it!


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