Looking for Light
Focus Verse:
And whoever gives you a cup of water to drink in my name, because you belong to Christ — truly I tell you, he will never lose his reward. — Mark 9:41 (CSB)
In His Name
Verse for Study: — Mark 5:32-34 (CSB)
“John said to him, “Teacher, we saw someone driving out demons in your name, and we tried to stop him because he wasn’t following us.”
39 “Don’t stop him,” said Jesus, “because there is no one who will perform a miracle in my name who can soon afterward speak evil of me. 40 For whoever is not against us is for us. 41 And whoever gives you a cup of water to drink in my name, because you belong to Christ — truly I tell you, he will never lose his reward.
— Mark 9:38-41 (CSB)
This goes on to conclude that, no matter the religion or whether it follows your beliefs or not.
No one can perform a miracle in my name who can soon afterward speak evil of me. What did Jesus mean when he said this? This doesn’t just justify the works of miracles, He means that whoever uses their given talents, their connection within them to the lights, regardless of religious title, can not speak evil against him.
First of all I want to define a miracle. A miracle isn’t just water turning to wine, a miracle isn’t just instantly healing someone from an illness they’ve lived their whole life. A miracle is variable dependent on you, and what I mean by that is what a miracle to me would be- isn’t necessarily going to be a miracle to you. Healing my perspective of the world, learning that it’s not something to hide from and learning how to embrace it with God by my side, was a miracle. You may have had faith in God your whole life, that process wouldn’t have been so sentimental to you.
When your sister calls you and apologizes for the way she treated you 2 years ago at her wedding, that could be a miracle. That could be the breakthrough you were waiting on for years, an unspoken worry that with the words of affirmation, caused you to start a process of healing you had no idea you needed. When anyone uses their inner light to perform miracles, their connection to the good intentions in them to give, love, honor, and forgive, their actual desire to see others have healing, you can not deny your inner light has the works. You can not deny that the inner light is an object that we all obtain, but we don’t always take advantage.
To this I say, embrace your inner light. No matter what you’ve endured or what hardship your going through, use it to help others. When you do that, the anxiety that’s been crippling your mind with negative what-ifs will seize, you will be more focused on helping others through their battles during your own, that you will forget to even worry.
You will never lose your reward when you give using the light that comes from within. You will never lose your reward when you ask yourself “What Would Jesus Do?” and you do it. Jesus has grace, forgiveness, patience, and love.
I find that when I use these traits, the responses and actions of others around me work with me, not against. So who today wants to work with me? Who want to work with Jesus, and receive the ultimate reward? God rewards us all in ways that are most significant to us. Stop assuming you know how he works, or trying to figure out the miracle he has in place for you. God’s got a miracle you wouldn’t even suspect.
What did Jesus mean when he said “No one can perform a miracle in my name who can soon afterward speak evil of me.”?

A Prayer
Lord, I want to thank you for the never-ending love and mercy that you are so willing to give.
I ask that you guide me to do your will, and give me strength to see the good in every battle.
Let me do as Jesus would do and show me what it means to be forgiving even in the hardest of trials. Fill me with your light and help me to spread it across all that I come to contact with.
I want my inner light to shine and I know I can make it shine, so give me faith to show my light even in my weakest moments
Because with you, I am not weak, but strong and capable of anything I set my mind to.
In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen