Donation to the ELF Project


Essentials for the Less Fortunate

The purpose of this project is to provide warm food, hygiene products, and necessities for keeping warm to people who are less fortunate. We will do this by using the donations given to purchase the supplies needed.

You can learn more about this project and the items we intend to provide here.

You can also see our Amazon wish list for items to be purchased directly for us to distribute. We’ve included different items to buy of the same nature so that you can purchase within your financial ability.

SKU: donation-ELF Category:

Donations made to the ELF Project are used to fund the supplies and food items we will be supplying as well as the gas that is needed to travel to gift these items to the people in need.

The ELF Project

Amazon List

All donations are non-refundable.


If you are making a donation that you intend to use as a tax write-off, please retain a copy of your order summary with your order number, payment details, address, and full name. Contact us at so that we can ensure that we have it properly documented as well as send you any forms you may need. If you ever need more support on this matter contact our donations department at